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Volunteers make a difference and this is always evident at United.
 Read on to learn about the many ways a person can be an active part of our church family.


Fellowship Ministry

This group puts into action and strengthens the fellowship between our church members both socially and spiritually. Everyone loves coffee hour or a good old-fashioned potluck!  If you would like to be a part of this positive group, contact Diana Waligursky or call the church office.


Worship and Music Ministry

This ministry speaks to the soul!  Their goal is to glorify God and enhance our worship services. There are several ways to be a part of this ministry. Join one or several of the following if you have a drama gift, musical gift, or public speaking gift.

  Pulpit Supply - This group are the brave people who fill-in for the Saturday and/or Sunday worship services when our pastor is not available.

  Worship Service Volunteer - This outgoing and creative group can do one or several things that will enhance our worship services such as do

                     small talks, perform special music, or read something prior, during, or after the worship services. Sometimes a skit or puppet show

                     is also performed by this group. There is nothing wrong with changing things up a little bit.

  Children's choir - Currently Pastor Rasner leads children in grades 1-5 during Monday and Tuesday afternoons' church school classes for a 10-

                    minute music session, and he would welcome any help. New ideas for songs and music are always welcome.

  Hand bell Choir - This group of folks practices two or three Sundays a month after the Sunday worship service and performs on one Sunday a


  Adult Choir - If you like to sing, this is the group for you. Anyone, high school age and up, is invited to become a part of this choir. Rehearsal is

                  every Wednesday (from Sept. - May) at 6:00 p.m. They sing at the Sunday worship services two Sundays a month and at special

                  services.  Contact Marsha Wainio or the church office to become a part of this joyous group.


Church Property Ministry

This faithful group of men and women maintains and repairs all of our church property.  This ongoing process is always in need of volunteers. 

Talk to Cary Gustafson to learn more about this ministry.


Christian Education and Youth Ministry

These volunteers plan and administer education and spiritual growth to all of our congregation.  If you have the gift of teaching and are an outgoing, positive person, then you would be a welcome addition to this small but mighty group of leaders.  Please call the church office or talk to Emily Hendricks to be a part of this ministry.


Board of Financial Stewardship Ministry

This is usually, but not always, the smallest group of any church. It is also a very important part of all congregations.  Positive financial practices in a congregation ensures financial stability.  If you have a head for numbers then give United's treasurer, Donna Gustafson, a call to be a part of this ministry.


Board of Public Relations and Outreach

Every good congregation needs a good P.R. person to promote a positive Christian image and spread the good news of Christ to the community.  Contact Zach Hautala to join this vital part of United.


Mutual Ministry

Vicki West is leading this group and is the person to see about becoming a part of this committee. These volunteers encourage our Pastor, staff, and congregation members through word and action. A cheerful, positive attitude is a must.


Piecemakers Quilting Group

This dedicated group of women and men meet every Friday morning at 9:00 to make quilts. All are welcome to help this gathering of creative people whenever they can. In the fall of every year the quilts are shipped to Lutheran World Relief where they will be distributed around the world.


Funeral Lunch Committees

This heartfelt ministry provides lunches or just desserts after a funeral service to people in our congregation who have had loved ones pass away. United currently has two groups which rotate for serving at a funeral. Committee members are always needed to bring something for the lunches. There is no charge (donations are always welcome) to grieving families for this ministry but it is appreciated if members of the deceased's family can pay for the ham, turkey, and rolls. Contact the church office to be added to one of the committees.





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